Anti Moisture Powder

Anti Moisture Powder

Product Details:


Anti Moisture Powder Price And Quantity

  • 5.50 INR

Product Description

Anti Moisture Powder is most commonly utilized for absorbing moisture content present plastic scarp before processing. It is known to prevent porosity in recycled plastic objects and assures increased production. This is white colored coarse granular powder that possesses strong affinity towards moisture. Anti Moisture Powder offered by us is completely suitable to be used by degraded PP, HDPE, nylon, & LDPE plastic, damped bottles, and also during blowing process. It is known to enhance strength of final product, help in decreasing load on machine, and reduce wastage & minimize chances of air block inside die.

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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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